Friday, 30 March 2012

How to compare two dates and How to Know Sunday on the particular date

function todaydate()
        var Todaydate =new Date() ;

        var TextBoxDate=document.getElementById("TxtDate").value;
        var currentDate = new Date()
        var day = currentDate.getDate()
        var month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1
        var year = currentDate.getFullYear()
        if (TextBoxDate.length < 10)
         alert('Please Enter Correct Date!');
         return false;
        if (month < 10)
                Todaydate= ("0" + month + "/" + day + "/" +  year) ;
                Todaydate= (month + "/" + day + "/" +  year) ;
        var ConvertTodayDate= Date.parse (Todaydate);       
        var date1 = new Date(ConvertTodayDate)    
        var day1 = TextBoxDate.substring(0,2);
        var month1 = TextBoxDate.substring(4,5);
        var year1 = TextBoxDate.substring(6,10);
      if (month1 < 10)
                TextBoxDate= ("0" + month1 + "/" + day1 + "/" +  year1) ;
                TextBoxDate= (month1 + "/" + day1 + "/" +  year1) ;
       var  ConvertTextBoxDate= Date.parse (TextBoxDate);
       var date2 = new Date(ConvertTextBoxDate)

      if (date2  < date1)
        alert("Order cannot be booked for same day and back day !");
            return false
       if (Todaydate == TextBoxDate)
            alert("Order cannot be booked for same day and back day !");
            return false

        //Given Below Line for Getting Sunday

        var forsunday = date2.getDay(); 
        if (forsunday == 0)
        alert("Order cannot be booked for Sunday!");
        return false
         alert('Please Select Delivery Time. !')
         return false;
      var IISHours = document.getElementById("LblHours").innerHTML;
      var Min = document.getElementById("LblMin").innerHTML;
      var IISDate = document.getElementById("LblDate").innerHTML;

        if (IISDate == TextBoxDate)
                if (IISHours > 22 && Min > 0)
                alert('Order cannot be booked for Tomorrow after 10 PM.');
                return false;


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